aftermath of police officer being shot
Saturday night (or maybe early sunday morning, whichever) I heard all sorts of sirens for quite some time so I decided to go check it out. I drove around for awhile and was near home when I saw a cop going down 39th street towards 291 just haulin ass. Then I noticed literally 10 or 11 cop cars heading north on 291 and really moving. So I headed that way (I had to pull over twice for cops responding) and saw cops everywhere around a bar on 291 near hidden valley road. It turned out they were going there to arrest the guy that shot the state trooper. Talk about a police response. I saw Independence PD, Jackson County deputies, state troopers, and they got there damn quick.
Now the guy that did it says he was temporarily insane. Maybe down the road he will be temporarily executed as well. Bet that is where he will be headed.