I70 is much improved
When I first moved to the area in the fall of 2002, I was amazed about at the poor condition of I70, especially a section where there were actually ruts in the asphalt, something normally never seen on interstate highways. I can't remember exactly where it was, I think it might have been near Blue Ridge Mall going eastbound.
Anyhow, the section from downtown to near 435 was paved with new asphalt, and the area from Blue Ridge to I470 is getting the same treatment and so far it is pretty nice. The area around the 435 interchange was partially last year and the rest is being done this year.
In addition to that, I70 is being totally rebuilt from I470 to Missouri 7, and the new eastbound lanes (currently carrying 2 lanes of traffic in each direction) are very nice. So good job (for a change) to MODOT. You guys still drive me nuts with your unnanounced ramp closures but at least the roads are getting better.
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