Watch out on Missouri 7 south of Lees Summit
Check out this article about stepped up traffic enforcement on Missouri 7 near Lake Lotawana. The article talks about the stepped up enforcement. The scary part is the part where they mention one girl getting killed and another seriously injured when their vehicle was hit by an SUV doing 95 mph. What the hell? I have driven that road several times, lots of hills and curves and a fair amount of traffic. Anyone would drive that fast on that road is either drunk or a complete freakin moron. Since some people seem to lose about 20 IQ points when they get behind the wheel of an SUV to begin with, this guy must not have had much left. Driving that fast on I435 wouldn't be smart, let alone highway 7. Lets hope justice prevails and that dumbass gets sued for a few million (and loses) and spends about 20 years in jail for vehicular manslaughter. He deserves it from the sounds of it (unless there is more info that I don't have that contributed to the crash).
The story from the Indpendence Examiner:
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