Toll Roads for Missouri?
Obviously no one will argue the fact that the roads here in the Kansas City area, and Missouri in general are in bad shape. One legislator here in Missouri is pushing for making some roads toll roads, I-70 mentioned in particular. That will cost money for travelers and shippers, but it would help raise money, and with a mutli billion dollar price tag to fix just I-70, this is certainly an option.
Mistrust in Missouri of the DOT seems to run pretty deep due to past mismanagement, some of it deserving and some probably is not. However, one thing is for certain, something has to be done to fix the roads. I, for one, would support a toll. At least with a toll, those that use it the most will pay the most to help fix it. Looking at the turnpike in Kansas, which certainly has less people to support it due to the smaller population, this looks like it might be a good idea. Making I-70 a toll road would also help free up some other funds, such as those needed to build another Missouri River crossing on I35 to replace or supplement the Paseo bridge.
One thing is for certain, we have to do something. For many years the solution was to basically do nothing, and look where that has left the condition of our roads.
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